Lung Cancer Diseases Prevention - There is no sure way to prevent lung cancer, but you can reduce the risk if you:

2. Stop smoking. Stop smoking now. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of lung cancer, even if you have smoked for many years. Consultation with your doctor about smoking cessation strategies and assistance that can help you quit. Options include nicotine replacement products, medication and support groups.
3. Avoid carcinogens in the workplace. Precautions to protect themselves from exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace. Your company must notify you if you are exposed to hazardous chemicals in your workplace. Follow the precautions your boss. For example, if you are given a mask for protection, always wear it. Ask your doctor what else can you do to protect themselves in the workplace. Risk of lung damage from carcinogens is increased if you smoke.
4. Eating foods containing fruits and vegetables. Choose a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Food sources of vitamins and nutrients are best. Avoid taking large doses of vitamins in pill form, as they may be dangerous. For example, the researchers hope to reduce the risk of lung cancer in heavy smokers to give them beta carotene supplements. The results showed supplementation actually increased the risk of cancer in smokers.
5. Drinking alcohol in moderation, if you can, absolutely not drink it. Limit yourself to one drink a day if you're a woman or two drinks a day if you're a man. Any person age 65 or older should drink no more than one drink a day.
6. Avoid cigarette smoke. If you live or work with smokers, encourage him to stop. At the very least, ask him to smoke outside. Avoid areas where people smoke, such as bars and restaurants, and choose smoke-free area.
7. Your home radon test. Check the levels of radon in your home, especially if you live in an area where radon is known to be a problem. High radon levels can be improved to make your home safer. For information on radon testing, call the health department.
8. Exercise. Achieve at least 30 minutes of sports on every day of the week. Check with your doctor first if you have not exercised regularly. Start slowly, and continue to add more activity. Cycling, swimming and walking are good choices. Add to exercise throughout your day, through the park when she went to work and walk along the road or take the stairs instead of elevators.
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